

威斯康星大学史蒂文斯角分校(UWSP)致力于通过努力消除偏见和仇恨,并赋予边缘化的声音,促进可持续和包容的校园社区. 为了维持这一承诺, 我们必须认识到,文化能力是追求包容性卓越的核心. 包容是积极和有意识地努力创造一个环境,让每个人都感到受到重视和尊重. We must endeavor to listen and learn from others of diverse backgrounds, 身份, 和观点. Our intentional commitment allows us to develop, 支持, and educate our students and one another to constructively engage in local, 区域, 以及全球社区.

As a campus community with changing student, 教师, 员工人口统计, 我们必须共同努力,追求包容性卓越,实现人人享有人权. By building collaborative advocacy across campuses and within our communities, we pledge to engage in meaningful conversations, 拥抱民间对话, 共同努力建立一个真正反映我们生活的世界的大学社区. Our commitment to this process allows us to build a stronger UWSP.

Three members of the 苗族和S族outheast Asian American Club.


多元化和大学入学(DCA)的主要任务是提高非洲裔美国人的留校率和毕业率, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latinx, Native American and ”+ students. DCA将这些学生与校园内外的资源联系起来,并为低收入家庭的大学预科项目提供支持, first generation and 学术ally at-risk high school students. DCA包括
Multicultural Resource Center, 酷儿资源中心, 美洲原住民中心, Noel Compass Scholars Program and Leadership, 赋权, and Discovery (LEAD) Summer Bridge Program.

Alliance of Multicultural and 多样性 Organizations
AMDO将帮助UWSP校园内的各个多元文化和多样性学生组织共同努力,帮助使这个校园对所有学生更加包容和安全,无论他们的信仰如何, background or any other factor.

Alliance of Non-Traditional 学生 at UWSP (ANTS)
该联盟作为非传统学生的社会和知识利益的载体,并在大学社区倡导他们的需求. 联盟还应尝试利用其成员的经验来改善所有学生和教职员工的大学体验.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
为美国印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民提供进修科学的机会, 工程, business and other 学术 areas.

American Indians Reaching For Opportunities (AIRO)
Encourages awareness and understanding of all Indian people, 在校园, off campus and all who seek information about Indian people and culture.

Focuses on creating an environment, which serves as a 支持 system for students both 学术ally and socially. BSU还为学生提供了一个可以舒适地分享共同快乐和关心的地方, 而周围的人都有同样的激情,在他们的社区和校园里有所作为. BSU strives to break down negative stereotypes attached to the black community, through the promotion of a positive image of our culture. 我们的会员既是教育者,也是黑人文化和遗产的代表.

Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
提供社交, emotional and 教育 支持 group for the gay, 女同性恋, 双性恋, transgender and ally populations 在校园 and in the surrounding communities. 性别与性联盟还作为一个教育学生组织,提高成员对自己所关心的问题的认识, the university and the surrounding communities.

苗族和S族.E. 亚美会(HaSEAAC)
通过个人经历,促进对必发365官方网分校和当地社区苗族和东南亚文化的认识和广泛理解, knowledge and historical understanding. HaSEAAC从事重要的志愿者活动,并为公众创造活动, which in turn provides leadership opportunities members of HaSEAAC.

International Club (I Club)
通过提供友谊的机会,促进和鼓励各国之间的文化交流, understanding and the social interest of its members.

Latino Student Alliance (LSA)
通过教育活动促进对拉丁美洲文化的深入了解, presentations and entertainment.

Promoting Awareness and Victim 赋权
The purpose of PAVE is to Shatter the Silence of Sexual, 人际关系, and Discriminatory Violence using social, 教育, and legislative/policy tactics, as well as collaborating with professional campus and community resources.

Fosters global family ideals and promotes an exchange of culture, friendship and understanding among members and the community.

威斯康星大学史蒂文斯角分校的退伍军人俱乐部是美国学生退伍军人全国组织的一部分. 我们的俱乐部旨在帮助那些已经迈出开始或继续上学的第一步的退伍军人. 我们为那些在大学期间可能感到格格不入或与人脱节的兽医提供了一个熟悉的氛围. 我们所有的官员都有强烈的热情来帮助我们的兄弟姐妹不仅仅是完成学业, but to help set them up for success after graduation. The 退伍军人俱乐部 hosts fundraising events, training opportunities and helps veterans get the most out of their benefits. Volunteer with us to make our campus and your transition better! We look forward to meeting you at one of our biweekly meetings.

These resources are meant to 支持 folks within marginalized communities. On our path towards equitable access to higher education, we acknowledge that this does not serve as an exhaustive list.

Three staff members sitting at a table.


通过联系和学习, we can commit to ongoing exploration of our own biases, 个人反省, and willingness to listen to and learn from others of diverse backgrounds, 身份, 和观点. 然后,我们能够致力于重新构建我们的互动,并反思我们自己的经历和身份. Our intentional commitment allows us to develop, 支持, and educate our students and one another to constructively engage in local, 区域, 以及全球社区.


这些社区资源是为那些处于边缘社区的人准备的. If you are looking to connect with the community or to learn more about Equity, 多样性, 包容工作, please refer to the “Connect & Learn” opportunities section.





Three students walking on the sidewalk by residence halls.


校园气候被定义为校园环境,因为它涉及到人际关系, 学术, and professional interactions. 过去UWSP气候调查的反馈有助于提高校园领导对校园社区需求的认识. 调查结果所代表的知识和观点导致了新的倡议和增加的项目资金,旨在促进包容性的校园和社区. ​

Coming soon: 2020 Campus Climate Survey


美国教育部要求大学公开并公布校园犯罪统计数据, 安全信息, and fire safety information annually. 前三个日历年的统计数据和政策声明将在10月1日或之前在我们的年度安全报告中发布. Another requirement of the Clery Act, 是否必须及时向校园社区发出持续的安全威胁和即时/紧急通知. 有关这些通知何时以及如何发出的更多信息,请参阅我们的 珍妮·克莱里法案页面.


Whether it is a specific incident of hate or bias, or an unfair policy or practice 在校园, 我们想听听! 请使用以下表格,这样我们就可以帮助必发88全球顶尖官网唯一登录社区成为一个更具包容性和更安全的空间. Your experiences matter to us! 如果你曾经是一个受害者, 第一手证人, or heard of an incident of hate/bias secondhand, please complete a confidential 仇恨/偏见事件报告. 我们需要你的帮助来标记任何对少数群体有不利影响的校园政策或做法,这样我们就可以和系里一起做出我们应得的改变. 请 完成一份报告 让我们知道.